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Voice your support for DRS information

Less than .01% of Publicly Traded U.S. Stocks Share DRS Data in Financial Filings.

Sharing direct registration statistics publicly will allow issuers to be transparent about a strong foundation of support, or even help entice new investors to directly register shares and help that foundation to be built.

In a February 2023 appearance, SEC Chairman Gary Gensler shared his perspective on why these release figures were so low. "From an issuer point of view, I think an issuer makes disclosures that their investors find material - and engaging with issuers as you have may change what they think that investors find material."

The WhyDRS team understands that the main reason companies have not disclosed DRS numbers in the past could be because individual investors simply haven’t asked for it clearly enough. Therefore, using this tool, individual investors can generate a starting point to personalize an outreach email to issuers and encourage companies to share their statistics on investor diversity.

Contact Investor Relations

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The "Search Company" button will appear when it has connected.

If the chosen company already reports DRS ownership in their financial filings, those numbers will appear below.

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Where does this information come from?

The world wide volunteers who contribute to WhyDRS have assembled a database of information on US companies and their chosen transfer agents, as well as the global brokers that trade those companies in an effort to make this underserved topic more accessible.

If you would like to contribute or take a look at the database click on the link below:

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